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World Mental Health Day 2021

Picture of World Mental Health Day
According to the Mental Health Foundation MIND, 1 in 6.8 people experience mental health problems in the workplace (14.7%). And, interestingly, mental health charity Mind research shows that “56% of employers said they would like to do more to improve staff wellbeing but don't feel they have the right training or guidance.”This World Mental Health Day (10th October) is the perfect opportunity to learn more about how employers can support positive mental health in the workplace.

What is mental health?

Mental health is about our ability to cope with the day to day challenges and opportunities life throws up. Good mental health is being able to fully participate in society. The theme for World Mental Health Day 2021 is ‘Mental Health in an Unequal World’.

Most common mental health problems

The range and complexity of mental health problems are wide and varying. They can be acute issues or chronic and complex. They can be quickly resolved or long-lasting. They include anxiety, eating disorders, depression, psychosis, stress, OCD and many more.Mental health resourcesThere are many resources available to help organisations support staff through mental ill-health and promote positive mental health in the workplace. There’s a PDF booklet How to support mental health at work from the Mental Health Foundation which is a useful starting point for developing a workplace mental wellbeing strategy. It includes tips on supporting returners to work after a period of ill mental health and the importance of talking and promoting an open dialogue with all staff.

Why mental wellbeing matters

A mentally healthy and happy workplace is also a more productive one, and adding in preventative measures can also make economic sense - Better mental health support in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion per year. Understanding the importance of positive mental health in the workplace, and how to prevent it makes good business sense. First Aid For All delivers Mental Health training for the workplace which helps staff to recognise and deal with mental health issues in the workplace. We offer 1 and 2-day Wellbeing and Mental Health training courses that can be delivered on-site at your premises. We also run public open mental health training courses across the North West and via Zoom nationwide. Find out more and book: mental health training courses


Author: C Ward
Published: 07 Oct 2021

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