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Fire Risks and Threats in the Workplace

Picture of Fire safety course

Understanding the fire risks and threats in the workplace

Fire safety is an essential component of workplace safety. Complying with UK fire safety legislation is a legal requirement for UK businesses, and failure to comply can lead to prosecutions, shutdowns, fines, and imprisonment for senior staff and owners. So, what are the fire risks and threats in the workplace?Fires can occur from a wide range of sources, including human error/accident, faulty or poorly maintained equipment, poor/inadequate storage of materials, poor/inadequate waste management, arson, faulty or inadequate fire detection systems, and lack of knowledge/experience of the risks. The damage caused by fire can be catastrophic for any business, with loss of life or life-changing injury as well as the damage to property and stock.First Aid For All’s affordable classroom-based fire safety training (Fire Safety Training) equips you with the skills and knowledge to maintain fire safe premises and avoid costly mistakes for your business. Our comprehensive fire safety course covers correct storage, clear labelling and effective waste management; risk management (identifying and reducing risks); PAT (portable appliance testing) and other regulatory testing; identifying threats; the importance of nominating and training fire marshals and fire wardens; standard operating procedures; maintaining accurate records; and the importance of all-staff training (not forgetting new starters, temporary staff and contractors) including on evacuation procedures and assembly points.Some businesses will need bespoke fire safety training based around site specific needs, such as those with hazardous products on site, however we work with all types of organisations – shops, offices, warehouses, garages, workshops, and with both private and public sector, including school fire safety, which covers both single site small primary schools and multi-site larger secondary ones. We also deliver training specific to key holders, shift workers and security staff and both onsite at your premises and in our own training facilities.Our course fire safety manuals help owners, managers, fire wardens and fire marshals maintain fire safe premises and comply with legislation should an inspection occur. All course attendees are issued with a training certificate which is valid for 3 years (though annual training is often recommended for fire safety).Fire safety training is a must for any UK business, and you can book yours here: Fire Safety Training


Author: C Ward
Published: 07 Sep 2021

Contact via email at: for more information.

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